I started posting this blog over a month ago with the expectation I would be posting two times a week for 4 weeks. I've fallen a bit short of my goal for sure but for good reason. Last week we were on holidays with limited or no access to internet. That week of rest was spent with my family, my cousins who are now all in their 5th decade, some of our kids and some of our parents. I am blessed.
Every morning we made time to walk the beach, the neighbourhood or the path between Port Elgin and South Hampton, a 7 km walk. These walks provided one on one time with each other which can be difficult to carve out when your Cousin Campout is a group of 36 or more. We were able to connect, laugh, share, confess, ask, answer, contemplate, and sometimes just be with each other.
The women of the group were able to share their experiences of menopause, what was working and what was not. What works for some, doesn't work for others. Some woman will experience extreme hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, insomnia, memory issues (can you pass the...uh...um...that thing you shake and the salt comes out), anger and agitation. One thing we can say for certain is; menopause is an extreme sport. We have to practice exteme self-care and do all we can to take care of ourselves.
Everybody (spiritual) and every body (physical) needs something different. Some of my cousins shared the lifestyle tools that have been helping them manage menopause. Less alcohol, more yoga. Less screen time, more nature. Less stress, more breathing. We can try estogen and medication and we can reset. The toolkit is endless and chances are, you won't get the full list of tools from your doctor. Having women in your life that provide support, advice, and an open ear is invaluable. The algorithm has already got you. Help is on the way once you start Googling. Books, podcasts, newsletters, videos, lifestyle hacks and workbooks are just a click away. This is a marathon. You will need to implement several lifestyle changes to win at this extreme sport. Let go of the expectations and just keep moving forward. Progress is still progress, even though it's not eight blog posts a month.